He’s back! Matti Hemmings and friends return to the Sprint Print BMX Arena for this year’s Show! At the Showground for the 3rd year running, Matti is guaranteed to put on a ‘wheelie’ amazing performance.
Renowned for performing in BMX Stunt shows of the highest level all over the world, we cannot wait for the return of the 3 x Guinness World Record Holder, Matti Hemmings this year. Matti will take to the arena for show stopping performance alongside a wicked workshop for all our guests at the SGS 2017.
Wheels Away!
Aspire to be like Matti Hemmings? Hunt for those helmets, get on those bikes and cycle to the Showgrounds this year!
At the South Glos Show we promote a ‘Cycle To’ scheme and with the Showground conveniently located upon the Avon Cycleway it makes sense to cycle to the Show, doesn’t it?
So why not enjoy the scenic views, do your part for the environment, and cycle to the South Glos Show 2017 and be sure you don’t miss Matti Hemmings and the rest of the fun-filled Showground!
Football Frenzied?
We welcome a NEW GUEST, Steve Gray, to join Matti in the BMX Arena this year!
Our football friend, Steve Gray, is a professional football freestyler and we can’t wait to see him perform his special soccer skills at the Showground this year.
Ranked in the top 8 in the UK and Ireland, Steve is currently looking forward to flying the flag for team GB later on this year at the World Championships in Prague.
Steve is definitely one to look out for at this year’s Show! He will be sharing his secrets in a workshop and teaching the next generation of football fanatics some of his skills.
Come and join us at the Show this year! Get your tickets here today and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!